Installing kernels in Arch Linux
Atri Hegde
Installing kernels in Arch Linux
Messing around with gaming on linux, I found out that CS:GO, Team Fortress 2, and any games that used the source engine were particularly laggy. This issue seems to be fixed when I use the zen kernel. I will walk you through installing the zen kernel on Arch Linux.
Getting the required modules
We will need to install the kernel itself.
sudo pacman -S linux-zen linux-zen-headers
If you are using a nvidia graphics card, replace your nvidia (drivers) package with nvidia-dkms package.
sudo pacman -S dkms nvidia-dkms
Modifying GRUB
Now we are gonna change the grub config to make it easier to use with multiple kernels.
Lets open the grub config file using sudo vim /etc/default/grub
Now modify the following properties (GRUB_DEFAULT=saved
needs to added, isn't already present)
Then to apply the changes regenerate your grub config using:
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
The location of your grub config might vary!
Now you should be able to restart your computer and boot into your machine with the linux-zen kernel! Souce engine based games seem to run much better now and the zen-kernel is supposed to better for day to day use.
- booting/logging in to a black screen: run
mkinitcpio -P